The Y Course

This eight week evangelism course helps people face life’s biggest questions and introduces them to Jesus.


What makes it different?

The Y Course stands apart from other enquirers’ courses because –

  • Its guests need no knowledge of the Bible or Christian language
  • It includes issues like ‘Why does God allow suffering?’ and ‘What about other religions?
  • It talks today’s language, uses stories that relate, and doesn’t rush people to a decision.

What resources does it provide?

The resources for The Y Course include –

  • 16 chat show style DVD segments (6 minutes each) featuring Peter Meadows and Joseph Steinberg with Gemma Hunt
  • A guide for Course Leaders
  • A guide for small group leaders and over 100 questions to stimulate discussion
  • The Book of Y – the core content for the course

“An amazingly fresh way to help people discover Jesus and come to follow him. ” Jeff Lucas – writer and speaker