What others say

An amazingly fresh way to help people discover Jesus and come to follow him.’

Jeff Lucas – writer and speaker

Excellent, compassionate sense about suffering and other religions.’

Doug Barnett -Christianity Magazine.

‘For all wanting to engage friends and neighbours with life’s big issues the Y Course is a must. The questions it addresses are real for so many and the engaging responses open up the conversation rather than closing it down. A great resource for our post-modern culture’

Dr Ann Holt – Bible Society Director of Programme

“The Y Course is so relavent to today’s culture and society. Every church should have a Y Course at least once a year. It poses the big questions and helps people on their journey through life”. 

Paul Blackham – Pastor, writer and theologian

“The Y course is an excellent resource. I really enjoyed leading the group, and hope to run another in the autumn. One person who really lapped it up is now coming to church and thinking about being confirmed”.

Emma Hughes – Y Course Group Leader, Hanworth, Middlesex

Recent quotes from a Y Course in Greater London:

‘It made me realise there is more to life than I thought there was.’
‘It has helped me to understand having a relationship with God.’
‘It makes me want to take the next step of following Jesus.’
‘It’s got me started again on following his footsteps.’