‘Deacon by Design’ by Gill Kimber

The ups and downs of an Anglican deacon

Honest, personal, determined, Gill recounts a lifetime of adventures with God to help us rediscover the ministry of the diaconate. Here is someone who knows and understands diaconal ministry from the inside and who offers an important challenge to a sometimes bewildered church.

The Rt Revd Nick McKinnel, Bishop of Plymouth

‘Deacons enjoyed just being with other deacons’ and they will thoroughly enjoy this telling testimony of a present desire to be recognised and affirmed. Ordinands should take note and learn from this story, as should those who continue to hurl the insult, ‘when are they going to become proper priests?’ Even more, this is for DDOs who are still baffled by diaconal enquirers who do not fit another ministry mould. The diaconate is such a rewarding ministry for the Kingdom of God when people with diaconal vocations are recognised and released for service as ‘Deacons by Design’.

The Revd David Mann, Diocesan Director of Ordinands, Diocese of York

Behind every deacon there is a personal story of how the vocation has taken its particular shape. Gill Kimber’s honest and vivid memoir illustrates the opportunities, joys and demands of diaconal life and ministry during the period when the Church of England has been gradually rediscovering this significant vocation.

The Revd Canon Rosalind Brown, Canon Emerita, Durham Cathedral: author of ‘Being a Deacon Today’.
